انجير استهبان
Estahban Figs

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استهبان Estahban

استهبان در جنوب شرقي شيراز و به فاصله 175 كيلومتري آن قرار گرفته و با شهرهاي فسا‚ ني ريز ‚ داراب و شيراز مجاور است.

اين شهرستان با دارا بودن بيش از  2500000 (دو ميليون و پانصدهزار) اصله درخت انجير ديم در سطح بيش از 20000 (بيست هزار) هكتار، اولين و مهمترين منطقه انجير خيز در ايران و جهان محسوب مي شود.

در حال حاضر توليد انجير ديم (خشك) در اين منطقه بيش از 20000 (بيست هزار) تن مي باشد كه بدين ترتيب بالاترين رقم توليد اين نوع انجير در جهان به شمار مي رود. از لحاظ نوع انجير و كيفيت، انجير استهبان در جهان بي نظير است و به همين دليل يكي از اقلام مهم صادرات در زمينه خشكبار، انجير استهبان مي باشد

Estahban is a city in the Fars province which is located in southeast  of this province. it produce more than 20000 tons dried figs . because of this produce it is the first place of produce figs in the world. Estahban is 170 KM far from shiraz .


The town of Estahban is located 1112 Kilometers south to Tehran. The history of the town returns to the year 746 AH after it was totally demolished by the Mongols,it was rebuilt by the prince Amir Mobariz-el-Deen Al-Mozaffar. The town of Estahban is located between two mountain chains, and its weather is worm in the eastern parts, while it is moderate in the mountainous parts. The most important places to visit in Estahban are as following:
hTang Lay Tareek ( strait), which is located on the south-West of Estahban .
hTangahy( strait) Eij and Estahban,which are located in Eij village, and Estahban sub-urb.
hGardeshgah (malls) Bardaneh, which is located on the road between Eich an Darab, the second is Bacbac, which is located south-east to Estahban.
hGardeshgah (malls) and Forest Park which is located south to Estahban.




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